These additional features are simply the best, if you are looking for new inspirations how to manage your farm. If not, then click on any Landwirtschafts Simulator 19 Mod you prefer and check its specifications. We have great news for you – there won’t be any struggles in the game because the newest edition of Farming Simulator 2019 Mods has arrived! Are you wondering, why is it so special? At least you must have heard about these amazing files which can bring your farm to the next level. If you notice any mistake, please let us know. The problem seems to be synchronization in my case, since I don't see the pallets being unloaded, but the pallets are unloaded.This content was uploaded by website visitors. You have the link for download the mod Universal Autoload Mod? i cant fine nothing. I have the problem only in multiplayer whit the others players, the servers has no problem. The great thing about Loki’s autoload mod is it automatically injects into all the basegame trailers, so you don’t need to install duplicate trailer mods and bloat your mod folders and load orders with dozen of trailers you don’t need anymore. I’m using that and it’s working fine on game with the 1.3 Update installed.

Loki the author of the Lumberjack mod has a beta version of his Universal Autoload Mod on his GitHub page for download. With, the suggestion of the "Strong Arm" mod. The framework trailer, the Strautmann, is far too small to carry a square bale (maybe it works with round bales, but I have a Case Harvester, not a JD). I personally haven't gotten it to work with Cotton Bales yet, however its most likely due to the trailers I've tried not supporting it. Also, use the gsPalletAdd and gsBaleAdd to create any pallet or bale you want to test. To prove this for yourself, just start up a new game with farm manager, lease the equipment, and try them out. The Pallet Specialization mod appears in mods menu, but is not activatable/viewable on the savegame specific mod setup. I just checked, and I get the same behavior. So for the meant time, I am automatically selling my pallets from my green houses, and manually loading my wool pallets. I tried for several hours to get it to show up, but it won't, so I'm not able to use that autoload trailer right now. The autoload specialization mod is downloaded on my pc and it even shows that it's downloaded in the in game modhub but when I get to the mod screen before entering the map, it's not on the list of mods that I need to activate.